My Aim:
to visually record and map the uses of public space in Auckland city
The Spaces i have chosen to look at initially are :
- Aotea Square, Queen Street, Auckland Central
- Freyberg Square, High Street, Auckland Central
-Albert Park, Princes Street, University of Auckland Campus, Auckland
- The Auckland Domain, Domain Drive, Grafton, Auckland
I have chosen to compare these particular spaces as "concrete parks" versus "green parks".
Aotea Square is a large area consisting mainly of concreted area, although there is some grass aswell. Its main uses are for the markets in the weekend. As it is in the central city people do frequent it at lunch times, and is it a throughfare for people going to the Aotea centre for concerts.
Freyberg square is the opposite in some ways. It also is a concrete park, but is what we call a 'Pocket park' (a small park hidden within the city, for the public to access). It also is frequented by business people at lunch times.
I wish to compare the two concrete parks above to two green parks.
Albert park is a large area of grass, trees and pathways. Being right by the university it is generally quite busy, especially in summer time. Its pathways lead to all different parts of the city, so it also is a thoughfare for students and business people alike. Mainly people go there to relax and enjoy the sun.
The auckland Domain is also a large green area. It has a variety of activities, such as the Auckland Museum, the gardens, duck ponds, sports fields and many more. I am comparing this space as it is similar to albert park in it being a green area, but differs so much with the activities that occur there.
I wish to compare these spaces possibly once during the week days and also over the weekend. I intend to go three times on each day i choose, Morning, Midday, and night. This is to see how the activities change over the course of the day, and achieving my goal of seeing how public space in Auckland city is used.
My Methodology:
I am mainly concerned with the activities of people in public spaces, so wich to talk to people and ask them why they are there and what draws them to that particular place. I want to observe the activities and see how the space is being used.
One idea i was presented with was to ask people to hold a board with the reason they were there written on it. eg "i come to albert park to enjoy the sun at lunchtimes"
I would like to make a booklet of some kind to documnet this.
Page 1: a map of auckland with the particular place i looked at marked on it.

Page 2 : A panoramic photograph of the space/park in question
Page 3 : The photograph of the person/ people holding the board. (morning, noon and night images on separate pages)
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